Outbound Marketing

This marketing refers to where your business starts the communication by sending out messages to its target audience. An example of this would be through the use of TV commercials where a business outlines what it sells and what is so good about its products. Other instances include the use of shows, email spam, cold calls, print ads, and radio ads. Most people regard these forms of marketing as traditional.


When you compare outbound and inbound marketing, you can think of them as opposites. The latter features paid searches, content creation and opt-in kinds of marketing while the former comprises media buys, email spam, and cold calling. In inbound, the customers find you when they need something that you have to offer. Avenues in place include social platforms and blogging. In this way, a user may be going through a social platform and may see something that they like on your page. If the material in place is of interest to them, they can click on links leading them to your site where they can not only get more information but can also go ahead with the purchase. In doing this, they provide you with information that you can later use to convert them to leads in the hope of selling them your products and keeping them as part of your return customers. The good thing about this approach is that the ads for your services only come up when someone searches for something related to what you have to offer, thus helping you narrow down to people with interest in your line of business.

Inbound VS Outbound Marketing

In the case of outbound marketing, you should note that tracking your progress is much harder as the ads go out to both interested and uninterested people. Also, you end up spending a lot of money to reach people who may not convert to leads, and this technique is thus considered less profitable than the former option. The surprising thing is that even with these shortcomings in play, many businesses rely on this form of promotion to get their names out there.

As a business looking to improve on sales and reduce their marketing expenditure, an excellent way to go about it would be to embrace inbound marketing approaches to promotion. You don’t necessarily have to go all in but allocating a small percentage would do, and you would see more results than you do with traditional techniques.

Why not use traditional techniques?

The reason that most people opt for this kind of promotion is that it has been around for a while and people have thus grown to trust it. For many people, it is the cost of doing business, and they allocate quite a considerable sum of their expenses to it. However, that is not to say that it is successful. One thing you should know about it is that you will find it hard to determine your return on investment and you may end up spending much more money than is necessary for the promotions. Also, people have come up with ways to block emails and calls from businesses which are known to spam inboxes, and it is thus getting harder to reach consumers in the modern day.


Going down this route translates to high costs and low yields. Inbound techniques, on the other hand, result in high conversion rates and returns on investments and they cost a whole lot less than outbound methods. At present day, many people opt to go inbound as they seek to attract more clients while keeping the costs low. While it is a good thing to keep in line with traditions in place, it does not hurt to try out what is making other brands successful. And the good thing about it is that you get to save tons of money.

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